"Set Me Free", while I learned to set myself free.

Photo by Simon Sturzaker from The Advocate Tasmania Year 2020... has come to an end. Who would have thought it has became a year that changed lives and changed the world. Coming in to 2021, we are still in the battle of the unprecedented event of Coronavirus. I am no different than many; has been impacted by the virus. With 3 kids and a new-born at that time when the outbreak happened; things changed. As for the very basic day to day life has became a luxury and not so basic anymore. People panicking, anxious and angry at the same time, do things that they wouldn't normally do. For example the toilet paper outage incident; in my opinion, it is just unnecessary. But at a time like that, many people think that they can just do anything to make themselves feeling a little better and secure. It is all part of the anxiety. How should they dealt with it; what they can do to calm themselves down. At that time I do not understand why people did things they did so selfish...