Wu Zhou Dynasty to close Empress's chapter

My final Chapter of Empress At Forbidden City creation: Wu Zhou Dynasty for Paper On Skin Launching event

After over a year, my Paper On Skin 2018 creation still going strong. The piece was invited for a numbers of exhibition here and there. Completing an artwork feels amazing. When our vision comes to lives, it is very rewarding. However, I feel like I could've done more and I have the urge to create another piece to compensate this majestic red paper dress, the very first piece of fully committed wearable art that I have ever made. 

Empress At Forbidden City - Paper On Skin 2018 entry, Alif and me trying to fit it on model, Brooke.

Year 2019, after winning 3 awards from the Australian Wearable Art Festival, my life yet again has changed. And the changes has made great impact for the rest of my life. The week I was flying to Queensland for the finale at Australian Wearable Art Festival, I was tested positive for being pregnant with my 4th child. Bearing a child in me is temporary but having a child is a permanent and full time commitment. I had many plans towards my art direction prior my pregnancy, unfortunately all have to be halt and rethink every steps I will take from then on. But I will not hesitate to take part at the 2020 Paper On Skin competition. It is the one thing that gets me very excited to have such a prestigious event and opportunity held so close to me. 

Empress At Forbidden City II: Cixi, Power Behind The Throne worn by Joan and me holding some winning cheques.

The art council has a planned for a numbers of promotion activities and events to boost the Paper On Skin competition 2020. With a new major sponsor on board and more prizes to be on offer, the 2020 show is going to be amazing. The coordinator of the competition, Lyndal has been in touch with me, inviting me to have a show at the Burnie Box Office, Town Hall as a part of the promotion program. 
She was suggesting me to have my Empress At Forbidden City II, Cixi to be on the show. Unfortunately, the chances for me to find a model that is 6ft tall, size 8 with a shoe size 10 in Tasmania, is pretty slim, actually, it was impossible. So, that wouldn't work. And I was refusing to show the 2018 piece because it has faded and it needed a lot of repair work. I suggested to Lyndal that I will make a brand new piece and it will be my closing for the Empress's chapter of work. Lyndal did emphasis that I don't need to go through so much trouble, just simply show something on the stage. My response was "Sure thing" ... (as if..) hahahaha.. I will not put a "just simply" piece on any stage and I definitely won't show something that I have already have. 

That's my chance there to recreate another outfit for Wu Zetian. Pregnancy alone is not easy. Not very far into it, I have encountered a numbers of problem with it and often in and out of the hospital. I have then quit my job as the Disability Support worker. I cannot care for the vulnerable when I am vulnerable myself. It just simply not fair for both me and my clients. I kept my job as a creative at the local cosmetics company. As I can still manage to have a job sitting behind the desk and my DSLR camera. I made a commitment at that time that I will create another majestic piece for Wu Zetian. I will not repeat mistakes that I have made in the previous creations. This time I was inspired by peacock and another outfit that the Empress worn during her first offering to the Buddha at the very first stage of the empress reign of power. 

Fan Bing Bing as Empress Wu Zetian in Chinese Series Empress of China - offering to the Buddha
(Images sourced from Pinterest)

It took a whole 3 months to complete the garment. I have many ups and downs. In and out of the hospitals every 2 weeks. Test after test after test.. I was also on the look out for a new home. Well, a 3 bedroom unit is no longer going to work out with 4 child. So house hunting was also on the list at that time. Ohhh... talking about exhaustion.. that is just an understatement. Things didn't get better, I have more health issues on the rise and required more medication to keep my baby growing normally in my womb. My back also started to deteriorating. I have problem walking some distance, standing or sitting too long or laying down too long. Blacking out at home has becoming a regular thing with no second adult in the household to help. So, life was not easy then. 

When I looked back from now, I am so proud that I have been able to complete each and every task, power through every hurdle and obstacles that were thrown at me. Seeing my garment worn by a beautiful friend of mine on stage, yet again, made everything worthwhile. 

Empress At Forbidden City - Wu Zhou Dynasty (Final Chapter) : Model, Cassy Ella
Makeup, Hair, Photo & Post Production, all by me.

Following are some details shots:

I cannot thank you enough to Kami Paper for all the help they have given me. They stocked some of most beautiful handmade paper that allowed me to create yet another majestic piece. Not to forget the beautiful model Cassy Ella, she is so dedicated and committed gracing the stage and closing this chapter for me. I am forever lucky with model selection. They are not only beautiful on the outside but also beautiful on the inside. Without the model, all my pieces will never be where I wanted it. 

So, for me, recreating will now stop. It is time for me to move on and explore more ideas, trying out new techniques and getting wilder with my imagination. I have yet made another commitment that for the 2020 Paper on Skin entry, it will be bigger and wilder, and that's my promise. 

Empress At Forbidden City - Wu Zhou Dynasty (Final Chapter) : Model, Cassy Ella
Makeup, Hair, Photo & Post Production, all by me.

Following you can see Cassy gracing the stage:

Again, for the bottom of my heart, thanks to all that have followed my Empress's journey, not only the making of these 3 pieces but the making of me as a wearable art artist. 2019, was indeed an exciting year for me. Whether it is achievement or obstacles, it has brought me a lot of joy and I certainly has learned that, "If you talk about it, it's a dream, if you envision it, it's possible, if you schedule it, it's real" ~ Tony Ribbons. So, keep dreaming ladies and gentlemen.. you will eventually get where you want to be. 


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